
Simple web-App with JWT-Auth

Using Gin frame work and Postgress database testing Simple web application written in golang using postgres database

Package used for this WebApp

GORM https://gorm.io/ For Database opration
GIN https://gin-gonic.com/ For HTTP web framework
CRYPTO https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/crypto@v0.8.0 Password encryption and decryption
JWT https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/golang-jwt/jwt For implementation of JSON Web Tokens.
GODOTENV https://github.com/joho/godotenv For loads env vars from a .env file

Token for JWT Authentication and also using if the user or admin is alredy logged or not through this




Edit Profile

User Profile Viewer




Add Admi

List All User

Edit User

Delete User

Run this Code

1. Run your server eg: local server with postgres database

2. Give the database details to .env file

3. go run main.go

* Use this route for working eg: localhost://8080/login

————Routes And HTTP Method———–

Admin route

POST     /adminlogin
POST     /addadmin
GET      /userview
GET      /deleteuser
PUT      /edituser

User route

POST    /signup
POST    /login
GET     /userprofile
PUT     /useredit

.env Details

Simple CURD Oprations and the paths


  1. Receive Name, email , password from request
  2. Check if user is already registered. (Check with email)
  3. If user if not present, hash the password
  4. Create new user in the db with email and hashed password
  5. Send success response back


  1. Recieve email and password from request
  2. Find user info from database
  3. If user is not found (user.ID == 0), return invalid username or password response
  4. Compare password from request and database
  5. If password is incorrect, return invalid username or password response
  6. If password is correct, create token, set in in cookie


  1. Recieve the id from request
  2. check the id if exist or not
  3. find the user from database
  4. delete and update the database
  5. send sucess responce


  1. Collect the user information
  2. Check the use id exist or not
  3. Find the user from databse
  4. Update the user information
  5. Update the database
  6. Sent responce

Upcomming Function

Upcomming Functionality
